Posted by Roman Bodnarchuk on Aug 13, 2015 3:00:00 PM




Digital launch marketing campaigns break sales records. Find out how we have done it successfully in over 150 projects, 15 countries, on 5 continents.

Lovable Marketing Campaigns is an eBook that walks you through all aspects of digital marketing with a focus on mass lead generation through:

  • Email campaigns
  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Search Engine Optimization, and
  • Marketing Analytics.

Watch this video to learn more about our Digital Marketing Training: 

On the download page you can ask me questions. I want to help you attain explosive sales results in 2015!

I look forward to meeting with you,


10 Biggest Condo Sales & Marketing Mistakes

Posted by Roman Bodnarchuk on Aug 11, 2015 2:13:00 PM


Top 10 Sales & Marketing Mistakes

Typical ad campaigns don't break sales records; digital launch marketing campaigns do. Find out how we have done it successfully in over 150 projects, 15 countries, on 5 continents.

You need a powerful, integrated, sales and marketing strategy that sells homes quickly with a pay-per-performance digital marketing campaign.

Introducing N5R's 2016 Developer's Guide which will take you through proven solutions that will help your sales and marketing team avoid the top 10 most common sales and marketing mistakes.

Watch this video to learn more.

Explode your sales in 2016 by avoiding these common mistakes:

  1. An empty sales office
  2. Trying to sell with logic
  3. Thinking your market is homogeneous
  4. Wasting your media budget
  5. Hit-or-miss ad campaigns
  6. Having no story
  7. Letting prospects get away
  8. Believing that blogs and social media are inessential
  9. Ignoring outside brokers
  10. Not realizing who makes the purchasing decisions

To download the ebook, click the link below.

On the download page you can ask me questions. I want to help you attain explosive sales results in 2016!

I look forward to meeting with you,