4 Best Practices to Make Your Landing Page More Effective

Posted by Roman Bodnarchuk on Dec 22, 2014 3:26:36 PM

4 Best Practices to Make Your Landing Page More Effective

In our fast developing world of new technologies, there is a huge impact on how marketers interact with prospects and customers. Moreover, visitor’s expectations are always changing. They always need more. Technology and changes in marketing need to be up-to-date. Landing pages are the key to attract and convert more and more visitors.

Therefore, there are best practices for landing pages to make it effective within HubSpot.


  1. Personalization is matter

The main thing about the personalization is not only to use the visitor’s name, but to create a good connection with an individual, to show them that we relate to them as a human. How can we do that? The answer is landing pages. Using ‘make smart’ option, you can create content for a specific segment.

  1. Evolve with your visitor’s needs

All visitors are different, and their needs evolve over time. No doubt, landing pages should evolve with them.  The Smart Content creates a content that matches visitors in a certain lifecycle stage.

  1. Relevant CTA

One CTA on the landing page is more than enough. Clear, strong and relevant CTA provides high rate of converting landing page.

CTA “explain” what is the next step and what to expect by taking this step. According to HubSpot data analysis, targeted CTAs perform 42% better that generic counterparts.

  1. Device optimization

Today people are more on their mobile devices than on laptops and tablets. Creating mobile-optimized pages is easier using responsive design that adapts from any device.


By using these 4 practices, you will achieve better page performance of your landing pages.

To learn more about how to make a great landing page, download a free chapter from Lovable Marketing Campaigns.

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