N5R: The Importance of Smart Phone Optimizing Your Website

Posted by Dmytro Matvisyk on Apr 21, 2015 12:32:35 AM



Many business' tend to forget the importance of smart phone optimization.

Remember, consumers are not using their desktops, or even the relatively new tablet as often as their smart phones. As technology adapts - we see how the tablet is becoming an almost outdated source of reaching the consumer. If your website doesn't look as good - if not better on mobile than it does when someone were to key in your domain into their desktop browser then you can guarantee the loss of a potential lead.

Read the Full Report Here:



At N5R - we stress the importance of an online sales video optimized for smart phones. This is because as Adobe's latest Bench-mark report revealed video consumption is up 53% on mobile from last year and has overtaken tablet streaming by 13%.

However, remember that on 26.6% of those videos reached 75% completion - which means it is important to get your pitch across quickly and in a manner that keeps the viewer engaged. 5 minutes is usually ideal. 

If your team can create, optimize, and reach your target audience on their smart phones then you are set up for success!  


Topics: 2015