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The Three Pillars of Real Estate

Properties are constantly being developed all around the world, making it harder for you as an investor to choose where to invest your hard earned cash. Land is the one asset that never depreciates, however, when it comes to selecting the property that’s right for you, you should always consider these 3 crucial points: 

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Topics: trump toronto, Donald J. Trump, investments, toronto, condos

It’s More Than Just A Game

It’s been quite the disappointment for Toronto sports. Both the Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Raptors have failed once again to make the playoffs. But there has been some sunshine in Toronto, as the birds in blue also known as the Toronto Blue Jays are showing reasons why they deserve some recognition.

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Topics: Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto, Toronto Blue Jays, J. P. Arencibia, Donald Trump, Rogers Centre

Why Should You Invest With Trump?

Around the world, the Trump name is recognized for its opulent portfolio of properties and developments, where a commitment to excellence is standard. The expectation when arriving at any Trump operated location is of incredible quality from the moment you are greeted at the door to the time of your departure.

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Topics: Trump, Donald, World-Class, toronto

Talon and Trump Family officially open Trump® Toronto

To much anticipation, the ceremonial red ribbon was cut Monday at Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto® by the Trump family and Talon International Development Inc. in honour of its grand opening.

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Topics: Trump, Donald, Luxury, real estate, toronto, Ribbon, Cutting, Talon Development

How Marketers Can Use Evernote to Organize and Simplify Their Lives

Post-its, notebooks, whiteboards, starred emails, and who knows what else ... there are a million ways we inbound marketers keep track of all the things we need to do. But nothing ever seems to quite fit every project or situation. I, too, have gone through my fair share of tools to organize my work, but the tool I find myself continuing to go back to is the free app, Evernote. When I first downloaded it, I was stumped by its flexibility, not knowing how best to use it as part of my typical day. But now that I find myself continuously relying on it in a number of different ways, I wanted to share some of the great ways you can use Evernote to make your life as a marketer just a little bit easier ... or at least more organized.

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Topics: social media blog, Video, toronto condo marketing agency, blog, real estate investments, real estate, n5r

How to Turbocharge your Website Traffic with Blogging [Customer Story]

As chief operating officer and head blogger at New York Parking Ticket, I wanted to jumpstart the traffic to our fledging website. So I followed the Hubspot blogging blueprint religiously, then started to measure the results.

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Topics: n5r blog, n5r case studies, condo marketing, toronto condo news, Condo Blog, blogging, n5r

Businesses That Blog Generate 2X More Email Traffic [New Data]

Peanut butter and jelly, Brad and Angelina, sun and sand, puddles and boots, blogging and email. What do these all have in common?

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Topics: n5r blog, n5r case studies, real estate marketing, toronto condo web agency, Real Estate Technology, Condo Blog, n5r

10 Essential Marketing Strategies - #5

Sell to all your market segments    

One size does not fit all – not in t-shirts, not in lattes and certainly not in real estate. As a result one of the biggest mistakes developers make is to use one brand statement to try to reach everybody. In the old advertising days they used to call it “Spray and Pray” because it involved blindly blanketing everyone with the same message, and hoping and praying it sticks to somebody.

Those days have been replaced by highly targeted, individual marketing where all of your prospective buyers receive a marketing message that is specifically targeted to them. If you have three different target groups, say investors, first time buyers and empty nesters, start with three different website addresses or URLs that focus the information on that particular group.

Investors generally do not care about the esthetics of the home, rather they want to know about the commissions, contracts and closings. The site should answer all of their financial questions about the rental market, typical resale value in the area and other relevant concerns.

First time buyers on the other hand want to know that the area is young, sexy and hip. Their website should focus on these details and fresh imagery that would get their attention.

The empty nesters are usually looking for a lot of floor space, storage and two or three car garages - they may want their pets to move in too. They will usually be less interested in financing as they will be selling another property at the same time and buying their new home with cash.

Some strategies to keep in mind:

When marketing to investors, use the imagery and the words they use to market financial services. Also talk about diversifying – if they own a lot of single-family homes, they may need more multi-family housing. If they own residential now, they should try looking into commercial.

When marketing to first time buyers stress the prestige of owning your home rather than renting, the wise financial decision of buying and the way in which this decision will help to create a much brighter future. Also focus on the hip and trendy lifestyle that awaits those who act now.

When speaking to boomers or empty nesters use physically attractive people with a touch of gray – or those that most empty nesters would aspire to look and act like.

Regardless of which market segment you are trying to reach, or which medium you are using, be sure to use testimonials – an incredibly powerful way for you to drive your message home.

Try targeting a specific market

And one last point about creating customized targeted niche marketing. You may not know this but I spent the early 1990’s as the one-man marketing machine behind the then unknown bands the Backstreet Boys and ‘N Sync, at a time when the Internet was just emerging as a marketing tool.

Back then we had absolutely no budget but we did have a very focused target audience of 13-year old girls. The decision to narrow our focus rested on some solid research that suggested this age group had the interest, the time, the disposable income and the influence to take our two previously unknown boy bands and promote their music, message and merchandise around the world. And it worked.

The Backstreet Boys as an example went from zero to $1 billion in sales in 27 months through the power of target marketing.

I bring all this up to remind developers that sometimes, focusing your marketing efforts on a niche audience can be a very wise decision. And whether you are speaking to a local, international or niche market, be sure to craft content that resonates with them specifically and makes them feel that this project was custom designed for them. 

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Topics: strategies, marketing, toronto, n5r

Condo Outlet Article in the Toronto Sun

I just gave an insider point of view to the Toronto Sun and I thought you'd be interested in reading it before you go out condo shopping this weekend.

Scroll down for a text version of the article.


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Topics: real estate, marketing, toronto, n5r, condos, condo, outlet, invest, king west, absolute towers, toronto sun

What is the Sharing Revolution? Can your marketing efforts benefit?

So what is the Sharing Revolution? (also known as collaborative consumption). According to our partners HubSpot, the sharing revolution refers to the shift away from an ownership economy to one in which people are happy to rent items from a larger group of people with whom they simply share access to those things.

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Topics: online, social media, marketing, sharing revolution, netflix


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