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Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2015

Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2015

Creating a human experience online

While digital marketing has always been about focusing on your target audience, now it's more important than ever before. Both Google and Facebook have been pushing organizations to focus on user experience, such as engaging with customers online and creating relevant content, rather than being promotional.

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Topics: mobile, social media marketing, digital marketing

Toronto Condo Rentals Increased 15% in 2014

As Toronto Condo Rentals Increased, Rental Costs Held Steady 

Earlier this week, Urbanation Inc., Toronto's leading source on the condominium market, revealed its 2014 fourth quarter and annual condo rental market results. The number of units rented had increased by 15 per cent over the past year, which is good news considering the growing supply of new condo developments in the city.

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Topics: toronto condos, condo rental

Words Every Salesperson Should Live By For Lead Conversion

Words Every Salesperson Should Live By For Lead Conversion

While the body language and tone of voice you use can make or break your success with prospects, what you say still plays a big role in the sales process. Here's our list of the top five words every salesperson should use to interest potential buyers in what you're selling and improve lead conversion.
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Topics: sales, lead generation

Finding the Right Real Estate Marketing Strategy

Finding the Right Real Estate Marketing Strategy

I once worked on a project in a place called Jacksonville, Florida. I don’t like to say that I’ve represented a lot of really gross projects, but this one was just disgusting and it was in a terrible area. I only did it because the developer is a very successful developer in Toronto and he asked me to do him a favour. The market was crashing in the US and he needed to sell this development and get out. When I went to visit the project I was afraid to get out of my car. The area was just not very nice. I knew immediately that the only thing we could do was market to people that already lived in this area. At least they wouldn’t be shocked when they visited the units.

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Topics: real estate marketing, advertising, marketing strategies

Creating Urgency with Event Selling

Creating Urgency with Event Selling

A great strategy for sales that a lot of people will tell you won’t work in their market, but actually will, is event selling. For example, to sell a large condominium project, first, you need to get a database of every real estate agent, realtor and broker in its particular market. Once you have that you can start to plan an event.

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Topics: selling real estate, real estate agent, real estate sales, marketing event

Telling a Story to Engage Real Estate Buyers

Telling a Story to Engage Real Estate Buyers

Facts Tell, Stories Sell

You’ve probably heard the old line, facts tell, but stories sell. Never have truer words been spoken. No matter what it is you’re selling, be it a luxury vehicle or a high-rise condominium, describing your product with just the facts will only convey half the story. People, like your product, are made up of two halves. One side focuses on reason, while the other focuses on emotion. Any successful salesperson should be taking into account both halves and have a story that speaks to both.

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Topics: sales, real estate

Dealing with Customer Objections

Dealing with Customer Objections

Every sales person has to deal with them, but someone who is a master at sales knows the general rule that when it comes to customer objections, they shouldn’t be taken seriously until you’ve heard them three times. You always acknowledge the objection by explaining that you understand where it is coming from. But once you’ve acknowledged the objection you’re going to use your knowledge of the project in order to steer your prospects back in the right direction.

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Topics: sales, Customer Engagement, phone calls

Using Inside Sales to Call Your Database

Using Inside Sales to Call Your Database

If there is one sales software company that I would recommend it’s insidesales.com. It’s a fantastic company and you can sign up for a 30-day trial for free. They have the greatest research and the most amazing information about selling.

What’s really excellent about their system is that it allows you to upload your entire database. If, for example, you have 300 leads, you would normally have to manually dial up 300 people. Obviously this is a long, drawn-out process and the reality is that only 10% of those leads would answer.

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Topics: marketing database, phone calls

The Right Sales Team for Working Leads

The Right Sales Team for Working Leads

The project was called Westmount Grand. It was a 77-unit building in an area called Waterloo, Ontario. Waterloo is where they make the Blackberry smartphone, and it’s a growing city. All of the big tech companies are there and the universities are very well known. It’s a great place, but that market hadn’t seen a luxury condominium before Westmount Grand.

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Topics: condo sales, sales teams

Toronto Condo Market Boom of 2014

Toronto Condo Market Boom of 2014

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Topics: toronto condos, condo market, condo sales, real estate sales

Ramp Up Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Ramp Up Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

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Topics: Sales and Marketing, Condo Mastery, condo developers

The Follow-Up Call Questions

The Follow-Up Call Questions

When you start following up on your leads, you’ll find that the second you get a potential customer on the phone they will drill you for information. It doesn’t matter what type of product or service you are selling, if a potential customer is truly interested they will ask you all sorts of questions, but remember that every time two humans meet, one is always selling the other. And how do you know who’s doing the selling? It’s the person asking the questions. You need to make sure that’s you and there are a few things you can do to manage this.

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Topics: sales, phone calls, meeting


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