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Google Confirms Panda 3.7 Update, And Other Marketing Stories of the Week

This article was written by Hubspots very own, Allyson Galle

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Topics: seo, Google, inbound marketing, blog, Pinterest, social media, facebook, Hubspot, HubSpot Tips, marketing

33 Examples of Dynamic Tags to Personalize Your Email Sends

This article was written by Hubspots very own, Pamela Vaughan

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Topics: inbound marketing, blog, social media, email marketing, HubSpot Tips, n5r

How Controversy Within Your Content can Increase Your Traffic

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Topics: social network, inbound marketing, blog, traffic, Brands, content, social media

4 Points to Remember When Making Comics and Cartoons

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Topics: n5r blog, inbound marketing, Pinterest, social media, facebook, n5r

The Five Forces of Keyword Competition Framework

This excellent article was written by Krista LaRiviere 

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Topics: seo, Google, inbound marketing, Keywords, online marketing

Top-10 Best Practices for your Business using Facebook

This excellent article was written by,Murray Sye.

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Topics: marketing ideas, facebook timeline, social media, facebook, marketing, n5r

NBA Hosts its First Ever Social Media Awards

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Topics: social network, YouTube, tv, social media, facebook, twitter

The Value of Using Visuals in your Marketing Campaign

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. So it should only stress the importance and value of using visual elements in a marketing campaign. Remembering to limit your content and include a strong visual is key to success in any marketing campaign. With the increased use of social media outlets, visuals have shown to be even that much more important. Outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram all have their own ways of focusing on visuals.

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Topics: social network, facebook timeline, Pinterest, social media, facebook, marketing, n5r, twitter

YouTube Open With The Idea of Paid Subscriptions

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Topics: YouTube, n5r blog, Google, social media, n5r, invest, Entertainment

5 Perks to Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool

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Topics: inbound marketing, facebook, marketing, n5r, Socail media Marketing, Data

State of Nevada set to Take Part in Social Media Day on June 30th

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Topics: n5r blog, linkedin, social media, facebook, toronto, n5r, twitter, social, New York

10 Step Checklist to Using Pinterest

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Topics: n5r blog, Google, linkedin, social media, facebook, n5r, twitter

The "Key" to Successful Blogging

Have you ever written a blog post and wondered why you didn’t get as much traffic as you would have liked? Aside from original and interesting content, a lot of writers fail to recognize the importance of keywords. Keywords are a group of words that target a specific market. Keywords help distinguish your content from others to ensure that search engines like Google and Yahoo rank your website higher in search results. Here is an example of using keywords to benefit your business:

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Topics: n5r blog, seo, Google, blog, traffic, Hubspot, n5r, property

11 Great Ways to 'Get Personal' in Your Email Marketing

This Article was written by Hubspots very own, Andrew Pitre.

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Topics: seo, inbound marketing, HubSpot Tips, n5r, online marketing

The Importance of Social Media

It’s accurate to suggest that the majority of companies are increasing their use of social media outlets to interact with their audience.  Using effective content to interact with your target market will help build a relationship between you and your potential leads. People who still question the presence and efficiency of inbound marketing are misinformed.

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Topics: social network, n5r blog, seo, traffic, facebook, n5r

Now is the Time to get Involved With Inbound Marketing

Can you believe that there are still people in the world today that do not have high speed Internet? Imagine yourself as one of those people faced with this challenge. The inability to connect with friends and family with the ease and efficiency of high speed Internet would be devastating. Today, 85% of the world’s population has access to a mobile device that grants people the ability to connect to the Internet on the go. With constant technological advancements, more and more phone companies are trying to figure out a way to offer users a fast data speed with their mobile experiences.

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Topics: n5r blog, inbound marketing, traffic, linkedin, facebook, marketing, n5r, twitter, Socail Networks

5 Pointers to Remember When Writing a Blog Post

In today’s business world, companies from all sectors have recognized the importance of blogging. It has become a way to connect directly with your target market. With its main objective to increase  rank in search engines through creating original and interesting content, blogging has helped companies ranging from all sizes accomplish their goals in a cost efficient manner. Here are some pointers to remember when wanting to write a stellar: blog post

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Topics: n5r blog, social media blog, blog, social media marketing, HubSpot Tips

More Web Pages Translates to More Leads

Have you ever asked yourself why your company is not getting as many leads as you may have wished? Well maybe it has to do with the amount of pages on your website. Leads are strongly related to the amount of pages and content on your website. Hubspot determined that websites which feature between 400- 1000 pages get 6 times the amount of leads as a company who used between 51-100 pages. Here are some reasons why having more pages on your website increases your total qualified leads.

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Topics: social network, n5r blog, seo, HubSpot Tips, Hubspot Research

A Penguin-Damaged Company Makes its SEO Recovery & Other Marketing Stories of the Week

This article was written by Hubspots very own, Corey Eridon

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Topics: seo, blog, facebook, HubSpot Tips, n5r


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