Your new dream home Might be Different from what you expected
Most of us are happy just to have a home these days. Many rent, and others don't have a home. The high cost of living in the city isn't only stressful, it drains our bank accounts, keeps us on edge, and threatens our long term health and well being.
So there's no shame in dreaming of something better and I want to introduce you to an amazing town in Northern Ontario that provides the lifestyle you dream of.
Right now, this minute, take stock of your circumstances and opportunities, and what you ideally need to happen, for your health and financial well being. If high home maintenance costs, repairs and rising mortgage payments are getting you down (and I'll be they are), then you might want to open up to a new solution.
The numbers you're seeing will soon look a lot better.
Comparing GTA home developments to your new option
If you live in the GTA and want to sell your house, you will need somewhere else to move to. And that's why most won't sell their house.
It'll cost you $600k to $2 million to own a newly built, move in ready house in new housing developments in Vaughan, Aurora, Bradford, and up into Barrie or out past Oshawa or out toward Kitchener and Waterloo. And old resale homes are about the same price.
There's no respite from high prices around here. Too many people and too few homes.
Yes, some builders are building on single lots within the city of Toronto and the prices for them are astronomical. Not a problem if you have the kind of money needed.
Listings Are Up, Homeowners are Selling
The latest TREB MLS stats show more homeowners people are selling their old, high maintenance, high cost houses. There's no shortage of buyers, that's for sure. Sellers are getting out while the getting's good.
And builders are building new, monster houses for wealthy buyers on those properties. Perhaps they'll be buying your lot for their dream home?
After buying the lot, demolishing the old house, and then building their dream home, they're paying almost twice for it. And in the city, the taxes and fees never fall. The option of building in Toronto or Mississauga is only for the wealthy or highly mortgaged. And it kind of ensures property taxes will rise too. It's not a arrangement most can handle for long.
Add the stress, noise, crime, and pollution makes us realize that moving up north somewhere might actually be a life and budget extending blessing.

The Dreamer's Solution: Prebuilt Modular Components
What if you built your home in a factory and then transported it to the lot location and assembled it, relatively quickly? You'd save big time on construction costs, logistics problems, and materials.
Enter prebuilt homes which are constructed with steel studding as you can see in this picture below. Yes, it looks just like a wood studded home but the differences are compelling.

Steel is strong and exceeds all strength requirements and it doesn't rot or get eaten by termites and other bugs. Modular components for instance, may be 16' wide, and can be assembled onsite side by side to create a room or house 32' wide. Here's an example of a 2 bedroom unit below.
If you'd like the specs on these homes, please contact us, or consider coming out to our upcoming Founders Club Event in Smooth Rock Falls.
Energy Efficiency is a Big Deal
Given Canada's cold winters, it's important for housing to exceed stringent energy efficiency standards set by Canada's CSA Z240MH Standard . New state of the art steel-framed homes also comply with National electrical, plumbing and building codes.
A wood-framed house designed and built on site is very expensive. From site foreman to labourers, to electricians and all the rest needed, the construction cost is drawn out over many months. And it's slower in the spring/fall/winter.
These construction costs combined with the cost of the lot, lot levies, fees, and high taxes in cities such as Vaughan, Markham, Bradford, or even Barrie, north of Toronto, make home ownership almost impossible for more potential buyers including young millennials.
You have to go much further north to get away from these fees. And I'm going to tell you about one town (Smooth Rock Falls ) that has axed its own building and lot fees. They're offering new lots for next to nothing.
A Sweet Deal that Beats Wood Framed Houses
Solidly reliable, steel framed modular homes may even come with warranties not available on wood framed homes. Home plans can be completely customized to your needs, scaled up or down as needed, and come complete with a choice of finishes, upgrades, and appliances.

There are challenges when homes are constructed onsite using of wood and nails. And wood may limit home design features and require extra protection and support. Steel is durable. Production within a climate-controlled building is efficient, and time equals money -- your money.
Some of these modular steel-framed houses are designed with extra features such as locations for solar panels. You can discuss any kind of high tech element you'd like to see with the builder.
The nicest surprise of all with the steel framed modular homes? It has to be the price starting at $149,000. Certainly you can upgrade to bigger and better models if your budget allows for it. That's something you'll need to speak to your builder about. But the point here is that compared to wood framed houses in Toronto, they're a genuine bargain.
Check out the Town of Smooth Rock Falls where the low cost of lots is opening up opportunities for new Dream Home buyers.
The Dream Home Presentation Event you Don't Want to Miss
Check out an upcoming New Home Presentation Event happening in Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario . A new development of 15 state of the art homes just like those described above will be revealed.
If you're serious about creating a better life, a more affordable lifestyle, and exit from your money pit in the GTA, consider registering to attend the event. You'll have your eyes opened about a whole new approach to home ownership.
Alternatively, check us out on Facebook and Please Like our Event too!