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Condo Mastery: Chapter 30 | 3 Tools For Communication

On this episode of Condo Mastery, coming in from Delhi, India, real-estate Roman Bodnarchuk goes through some vital communication tools for your success in sales. Although there is a twist, he'll get you to rethink on some of the tools you already know, such as emails. Watch this episode to improve and remaster the way you do sales, and it all starts with you, your body language, your voice tonality and your energy. Tune in today!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 29 | Change & Customer Service

Today on Condo Mastery, coming in right from Delhi India, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk reminds us that the world has changed, and the way you make a sale today is not the way you made a sale 20 years ago. Life before Google was hard and inconvenient, today we are spoiled with convenience; that is why if your business does not have the proper customer service then it will not succeed. Customers have adapted to a new technological culture, and if your business is not at par offering extremely quick customer service like many other big corporations then you may be in trouble. Tune in, on Condo Mastery!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 28 | Key Basics of Sales at Wave City Center

Coming in from Delhi, India, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk meets the sales people behind the revolutionary project Wave City Center for the first time. He introduces them to core concepts of sales and brings them closer as a team. This podcast will remind you of some of the basic elements sales people tend to forget; coming back to these will only expand on your business & sales strategies. Tune in today!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 27 | Ask The Right Questions

Coming in from Delhi, India, on this episode of Condo Mastery real-estate Roman Bodnarchuk explains that asking the right questions will comfort the client into making the purchase. It's not about the quantity of questions, but about the quality. Knowing specific and targeted questions will allow the buyer to give you the answers you are looking for in order to make the sale, and Roman provides some clear examples of what to ask. Tune in today!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 26 | Following up & Closing Properly

On this episode of Condo Mastery, coming from Delhi, India, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk explains how we tend to forget that people visiting our websites are like people visiting retail stores, and in retail stores a representative would approach you and assist with any inquiries you may have; therefore, we have to ask ourselves, why do we not do the same with people browsing through our website? With tools and systems that Roman demonstrates, it is extremely easy and efficient to track a person on your website, and it is just as easy to see when they opened your email. Isn't that the best time to follow up with them? Tune in today!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 25 | Working Hard in Making a Sale

On this episode of Condo Mastery, coming in from Delhi, India, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk explains that without persistency, efficiency, research and a lot of hard work, a sale will never be made. A sales person must be organized and follow up with their leads accordingly. Don't miss out on this informative episode of Condo Mastery!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 24 | The Power of Creating Urgency

Tune in on Condo Mastery, coming at you right from Delhi, India, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk presents the power of urgency: the best psychological tool for selling effectively. Understand when and how to use it at the right moment with this elaborate podcast. Watch us today!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 23 | It’s A Numbers Game

On this episode of Condo Mastery, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk visits Delhi, India to train the sales team of the world's biggest smart city at Wave City center. N5R is honored to represent and be a part of a revolutionary project that will forever change the way we see cities. In this 7 minute episode, Roman elaborates on the type of sales people there are out there, and you have to decide which category fits your personality, because in reality not one sales person fits into all categories. Pick the right one for you and perfect it! 

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 22 | Cost Per Lead

On this episode of Condo Mastery, coming in from Hong Kong, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk elaborates on the importance of understanding the cost per lead in your business. Companies to this day are confused or unaware of how much they are spending on their marketing efforts, specifically when obtaining leads. When the ratio of obtaining a lead exceeds the profit margins, then this becomes a systematic issue within the business. Tune in to learn, on Condo Mastery!

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Condo Mastery: Chapter 21 | What is Gamification?

Joining you from Hong Kong, real-estate mastermind Roman Bodnarchuk explains the power of competitive thinking inside your business culture, and the beauty of it all is that it is fully automated. Tune in on this quick episode of Condo Mastery!

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