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The Importance of a Sales Video

Posted by Roman Bodnarchuk on Mon, May 11, 2015 @ 17:05 PM

Videos today can be produced very inexpensively and are a very powerful sales tool for two reasons.

  • People watch T.V. more than they read.
  • Videos capture you at your best.

Watch N5R's Roman Bodnarchuk, in Hong Kong, explain the importance of a sales video:


Top Reasons Your Company Needs a Sales Video:

People watch T.V. more than they read

The average person will only read one book per year, but they’ll watch five hours of television every single day. That’s pretty amazing.

The odds of your customer watching a video and getting emotionally attached or sharing it with a friend are much higher than the odds of the same thing happening after reading a brochure.

Videos capture you at your best

We can’t always be at our best as salespeople. You cannot always have an Olympic performance when you’re making a sales presentation, but if your video captures all the key sales messages you want to convey, it can do the job for you during the sales process.

If a video is well produced, you can just press play and let it work its magic. Plus, this will give you the opportunity to watch your customer and learn which part of the messaging to emphasize.


The powerful influence of the subconscious mind

Have you ever seen a movie where you recognize the actors from other films? You know it’s a Hollywood production and that it’s fictional, but you can’t help getting caught up in it. This happens because when you’re watching a video your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not. Your customers are no different.

Observe customer body language to identify their motivations

While your customer watches your sales video, sit and observe your customer. Pretend that you are watching the sales video along with your customer so they know it’s important, but pay close attention to their body language. This will give you an idea of which aspects of the video they relate to.

There is so much to gain from just watching customers

When the sales video’s finished, turn to them and ask, “What did you like best?” This will do two things.

  • Influence a positive response
  • What they tell you can help you close the deal

Influence a positive response

By asking them a positive question, you will receive a positive response.

What they tell you can help you close the deal

Whatever they tell you is actually going to help you close that deal.

They could say, “Oh, I think it’s a great investment,” or, “I really think my family would enjoy it,” – and, whatever they tell you, write that down because that’s what you’ll use to close them.

Learn more from my book

The Million Dollar Minute – The Secrets of how we sold 367 Condos in 90 Minutes, and how You can too!




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