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The Price is Right

Posted by Roman Bodnarchuk on Tue, Sep 13, 2016 @ 17:09 PM

“Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will nd your customers buying from them, not you.” - Mark Cuban

 40% (20 out of 50) of the fastest-growing B2B companies make their pricing public.

Of the 20 companies that make their pricing public, 14 use tiered pricing.



Of the 14 companies with tiered pricing, 6 have CTAs prompting enterprise customers to request quotes.


Why do companies treat selling to the enterprise di erently than selling to everyone else? ere are lots of factors, but it usually comes down to scale. Rolling out a product or service to a massive organization can be a seriously complex (and expensive) undertaking.

So while being able to make unassisted purchases on a B2B website is convenient for most, enterprise customers need to be able to talk through the ner details of your product/service with a real human before they buy.



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Topics: Sales and Marketing, sales, sales leads, Leads, real estate, marketing, Roman Badnarchuk, lead generation, Sales Training, N5R Sales Training, marketing agency, Top condo sales trainers, 2014


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