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4 Points to Remember When Making Comics and Cartoons

Posted by Mark Herson on Tue, Jun 26, 2012 @ 11:06 AM

cartoon speech bubble 2

Are you tired of tweeting, posting on your Facebook page and pinning and repinning? It may be time to expand your horizons with social media and try working with online comics/cartoons.  This form of displaying your content is easy and fun for your readers. It changes the way you present your information by using funny characters. This method is excellent when it comes to social media sharing because shared photos tend to stick around on the web longer than text updates. Here are a few points to remember when you are making comics/cartoons

-          Make sure they are short and entertaining

-          Having visuals that people can relate to is essential

-          Make sure your comics link your reader to significant web content

-          Have fun! They should be funny and exciting for your audience

 Call Center Comic 23

Topics: n5r blog, inbound marketing, Pinterest, social media, facebook, n5r


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