Making a sale is never just about the words you say to the customer, even though those matter too. Great marketing is about engaging a wide array of senses. When you send an email, the experience is mostly visual; the less you use photos or videos for your project marketing, the better your words need to be. With phone calls, you have words plus voice tonality and a hint of body language (which gets reflected in how you speak). With Video Skype and FaceTime, you push audio and visual information to the customer. Now, if that customer should come and visit your condo project sales or marketing office, why would you not want to take advantage of all the senses you can engage to your benefit? Let's discuss what successful sales and marketing offices do to give customers a full experience.
- They keep it clean. A cluttered desk may look worked-in, but that is no excuse for a dirty office in general. This is one you may have guessed, but it matters and you should remember it.
- They make careful use of music. Find the type of music that enhances your specific condo project sales or marketing experience. It is not expensive to mount outdoor speakers, if you would like customers to start to get that feeling before they even enter the sales office.
- They never forget colour. Even if you prefer the streamlined modern look to your sales office, touches of colour here and there can help your customers' state of mind. You can even think of well-tended landscaping and flowers outside near the entrance. Be sure to follow the first point that I mentioned with your garden as much as with the inside of your sales office.
- They control the aroma. Now that you have followed the first tip and kept your office clean, you have complete control of the customer's sense of smell. Find aromas which are delightful and noticeable without being obnoxious or overpowering.
Bottom line: customers should enjoy being in your office. I have written before about making sales leads comfortable so that they let down their guard, and they talk with you, and you can build a rapport. A condo project sales or marketing office which is unforgettable for all the right reasons will help so much. For more advice on condo project sales, project marketing, building a rapport and making sales, I recommend that you read my ebook It's Not The Market, It's Your Marketing. It's available on Amazon, but you can click below for a free sample chapter.