TweetLister is a new Twitter tool that serves a specific function, namely the posting of property listings of every kind. Using it, anybody can post as many listings as he wants, and do so at the frequency he wishes. In practice, that means that if you wish to post the very same property daily for two months you can do it easily.
Using this service entails logging in by furnishing your Twitter particulars, and then a Control Panel for you to post and manage listings will be produced. When posting a property, you have to specify concrete data such as whether you are selling, renting or leasing it, along with the type of property in question. A nice feature is that you can also enter a URL that will give users more details about the listing itself.
Other than that, TweetLister merits no further explanations. Seeing how many people are flocking to Twitter as of late, the time as never been more right for the release of new applications. This one provides an interesting service which is absolutely free, and that might pick up quite a momentum.