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80% of People go through Google -Discover the power of Google

It is time to familiarize yourself with its true power of Google in the world of real estate marketing. Google has transformed into more than just a search engine. Today, you can buy much of your traditional media through Google, including radio and television spots.  In many ways Google is a virtual one‐stop shop for advertising dollars.

However because most of us do not have time to become Google experts I recommend hiring one. Hiring a skilled Google expert is probably the best investment you can make – and it is an investment that should be made, considering the fact that the Internet drives 80 to 90% of all real estate sales, despite being allocated only 2% of the average marketing budget. A great way to lower your cost per lead

Let me give you an example of how Google marketing can pay off:
Lets say your price per lead is $660 from all traditional print marketing Your online cost per lead can be in the $100 range – but of all of our online advertising, the least expensive and most valuable investment was Google. It cost just $13 per lead.

Today every marketing initiate you do should drive people to the one, central marketing hub you have – your website.

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Topics: seo, Google, real estate marketing, cost per lead, blogging, developer's guide, facebook, twitter, Ebooks

3 Ways to Build an Awesome Social Selling Machine

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Topics: n5r blog, social media blog, seo, n5r case studies, social media, social media marketing, toronto, n5r

Twitter and Facebook influence SEO

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Topics: n5r blog, social media blog, seo, Google, bing, social media, facebook, social media marketing, n5r, twitter


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