Topics: advertising, tv show, real estate, marketing, toronto, n5r, condo, outlet
Our marketing technology partner, HubSpot, released an interesting blog post on how digital media, especially social media, is changing how consumers buy. "Consumers connect, rate, discuss, and consume product information and reviews like never before, making a strong online presence paramount for all sizes of ecommerce businesses."
Topics: social media, Hubspot Research, word-of-mouth
Every Friday we round up the week's news related to condo sales and marketing, paying particular attention on the Toronto condo market.
Topics: absolute penthouses, news roundup, absolute world, condooutlet launch, toronto condos
Topics: absolute world, marketing, toronto, n5r, condos, condo, mississauga
When it comes to looking to buy a condominium, who ultimately makes the final decision? Men or Women?
Topics: e-book, marketing to women
Googleisnotonlyasearchengine.Italsoownsarangeof assetsthatprovidemarketerswith SEO and analytics tools, socialnetworking,andcontent creationopportunities. From SEO tools like AdWords and the Keyword Tool to office admin like Google docs, Google has an array of free products that will be sure to help you manage your online marketing and sales activities for your condo development. The top tools are:
Topics: seo, google keyword tool, google's top tools for business
TORONTO Jan 4, 2012 /CNW/ - is revolutionizing the experience of
buying, selling and renting a condo in 2012 by empowering Toronto consumers with the
most comprehensive online condo marketplace. Plus the first condo retail store to sell
both new and existing condos locally and internationally, and the only weekly condo TV
show in the world.
Topics: Condo Outlet, press release, marketing, toronto, n5r, condos
You've got your facebook, twitter, and social networking sites up and running. You even have found ways to use social media to connect with condo prospects, nurture leads, and continue the conversation with buyers. But, it's not time to rest on your 2011 laurels.
Topics: facebook timeline, Google, read estate marketing, social media, n5r
LinkedIn rolled out polls this week, a cool new feature for LinkedIn Groups (important distinction: this feature is not available for Company Pages). The feature has been rolling out over the past couple of days, and if you haven't seen it yet, you're sure to soon. LinkedIn has also let you like, comment on, and follow polls, helping spark discussion and increase user engagement with the group. Let's take a look at how to set up polls in LinkedIn Groups, and discuss 5 creative ways to use this new feature.
Topics: n5r blog, marketing ideas, linkedin, linked in, marketing, n5r, online marketing, online media