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5 Pointers for Long-Term Social Media Marketing Success

Posted by Mark Herson on Tue, Jul 03, 2012 @ 09:07 AM

Time, preparation and proper execution are all essential if you want to go ahead with a social media marketing campaign. We have seen that there are many benefits to using inbound marketing, but making sure it is done properly will increase your companies chances of long term success. Here’s a 5 step checklist that you should use to assure long term marketing success with social media.


1) Set specific goals- Making sure you set specific goals is very important if driving company to your blog post or website. Having specific goals will keep you motivated to reach those goals.

 Goal Setting1

2) Reach out to the social media outlets that will help you achieve that goal- If you know that your target market uses Facebook and Twitter, you should focus more towards those outlets where there is a market for your product or service.


3) Create a content plan- Make a list of all the content that you want to use for your social media updates. This will keep you prepared as you are trying to achieve long term social media success.


4) Create a schedule- An essential component to any project you start is a schedule. This will benefit your team in many ways. Allowing other members to see what’s going on will create consistency amongst your communications team. A program I would recommend to use is Google Docs. 

 business calender

5) Set aside time in advance - Make sure you block off a bit of time in your calendar every day to monitor how your fans and followers are engaging with your content.

Topics: inbound marketing, blog, content, social media, facebook, marketing, n5r, twitter


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