- 94% of all home buyers start their search online. The Internet Age of condo and real estate project marketing arrived quite some time ago, so it shouldn't be news that people look online. Take a moment and consider the magnitude of missing out on that share of potential leads and sales.
- 32% of buyers found the home that they purchased online. This number is only going to increase over time.
- 32.7 hours per week are spent online by the average consumer. That's well over a full day surfing the Web and being exposed to online ads.
- 66% more time is spent communicating and networking across social networks, blogs, personal email and instant messaging by the average online visitor a year ago. The share of those 32.7 hours spent on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and all kinds of other networks is increasing, so that's where you should look to drive project sales.
Even if you understand the numbers and find that your methodology has not caught up to this, don't worry. N5R has had years of experience pushing the boundaries of project marketing and adapting to new frontiers, while not forgetting the traditional methods that still work. If you would like to hear more of N5R's groundbreaking sales strategies download a free chapter of our new book, It's Not The Market, It's Your Marketing available now on Amazon.ca.