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B2B Facebook Ad Targeting in 2016


With the advent of social media comes more nuanced ad targeting than ever before. Imagine that every time all your different condo buyers went to the same mall, or went for a walk, they didn't all see the same bus shelter ads or billboards—imagine whatever you saw in these ad spaces is what only that one person sees. An ad just for them, but not their your mailbox or inbox, out there where they're doing your usual thing. That mall, that street, it's called social media and all your customers go there, whether they're real estate investors, condo buyers, new home buyers, anybody. Most of us may be on the same Facebook, for example, but each person's Facebook shows them something different. You can make that work for your sales team. Here are three steps to take when forming your condo social marketing strategy in 2016.

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Topics: social media, facebook, b2b, condo social marketing, condo social selling, ad, real estate social selling, real estate social marketing, pre-construction social selling, pre-construction social marketing, apartment social selling, apartment social marketing

How Follow-Ups Work In 2016


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Topics: follow-up, lead, condo sales strategy, information, condo marketing plan, condo sales plan 2016, condo sales strategy 2016, condo marketing strategy 2016, condo marketing strategy, condo marketing plan 2016, condo sales plan

Don't Let Negativity Ruin Your 2016

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Topics: social media, condo social marketing, condo social selling, negative, connections, real estate social selling, real estate social marketing, new home social selling, new home social marketing

Sales Strategy 2016: Effective Social Media Updates


If you sell real estate, condos, new homes or apartments today and you want to stay in business tomorrow, you're interested in an effective social selling strategy. Social media is where your customers are living and breathing. Here are two expert tips for being more effective at social media updates, followed by their benefits:

Stay Active. Post To Social Media Every Single Day.

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Topics: social media, followers, condo social marketing, condo social selling, 2016, brand, real estate social selling, real estate social marketing, new home social selling, new home social marketing

Social Selling and Marketing In 2016


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Topics: social media, condo social marketing, condo social selling, building, brand, new home social selling, condo sales strategy 2016, condo marketing strategy 2016, apartment social selling, apartment social marketing, new home social marketing


If I were selling your project-

I would greet you like an old friend,

I would have a coffee ready for you,

I would ask what brought you in.

I would try to get to know you better.

“Have you bought a pre-construction before?”,  “Do you own a cottage?”.

 Whatever you would say to me -

I would complement you. 

 “Oh, it was a brilliant decision!”,

“Oh, it was a great investment!”.


 Do you know what happens when you answer with a positive attitude?

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Topics: Leads

Preview the Strategies We Teach in our Sales & Marketing Sessions

For the first time,ever... we are sharing an N5R Strategy Sessions Sample Book.

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How to Plan Your Own Million Dollar Minute

Digital launch marketing campaigns break records. Find out how we have done it successfully in over 150 projects, 15 countries, on 5 continents.

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N5R Sales & Marketing Podcasts

In N5R's Condo Mastery Podcast Series, watch Roman's eye-opening talks on how to sell and how not to sell in these changing times.

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Topics: launch event, sales event


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